
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July 20. Tuesday Tasks.

10:30 a.m. and I'm fresh out of the shower, drinking my second cuppa and eating a healthy breakfast of fresh cantaloupe, banana, gala apple and blueberries, canned peaches and dried cherries. Made enough for tomorrow too. I really need to start eating healthier. My cholesterol is high.

Have washed one load of clothes and hung them out and have a dark load ready for after I mow the grass. Jeans get so dirty doing that. 

Read up a bit on Begonia Deliciosa. It should do very well this year; according to my research it likes humidity and damp feet, but not rain. Will move it to the interior table later to make sure it thrives. 

Been working in the garden already this morning. Pulled a lot of the mint growing around the house and have transplanted it to the side of the fence next to Gulnac's  house. Once it's established, it will act as a barrier so Trudy doesn't have to look at my long grass.

Found one Cleome while pulling the mint. Guess I'll leave it out front where it volunteered.

Am a bit worse for wear after yesterday. Carting six waterlogged 1.5 cubic feet of soil from the car to the garden with the wheelbarrow was too much like hard work. Sometimes I forget that I'm 63.

Some critter swatted Bandit's  nose a good one yesterday. I looked up from digging and he was under the blueberry bushes digging in the wet soil with his nose. I'm guessing he was trying to make it feel better. Poor puppy. I think he probably got too close to Honey Bun. But that's just a guess.

Still have chores to do. Vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. So muggy I hate to move. Really would like to nap, but will nuke and drink coffee instead.

Make the most of your day.

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