
Monday, April 21, 2014

Almost like magic...

The pussy willows sprouted into full bloom. Yet it wasn't magic that caused such rapid growth, but rather unusually warm temperatures. According to, the average high for Bradford, PA in April is 56 and the average low is 32. Which makes today's high of 77 and low of 51 a bit of an anomaly.

Not that I'm complaining. After this past winter, the heat is a welcome guest.

Hope that y'all had a chance to get out and enjoy some of that sunshine.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday 2014

When I first moved back to PA in 2011 spring was absolutely perfect. W and I refer to it as "The Year of the Apples" because the apples were so profuse. He's been asking me to paint him a picture of an apple tree ever since then. Although this is not what he had in mind, this is the picture I painted for him. It shows an apple tree in the foreground with rolling farmland, a barn with silo and fall foliage. It's a work in progress that may never be finished, but I wanted to share it today.

It's been months since I last wrote in this blog with any regularity. Mostly because I have been trying to decide which platform I wanted to continue using. There are so many choices for blogging platforms (weebly, blog, wordpress, etc.) and I have been experimenting with several of them. Trying to do everything I want on one platform, but that doesn't seem possible without either coding the pages OR paying a premium. Blogger seems to have the majority of features I desire so until I have the money to pay for a commercial site it will be the platform I use.