
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday 2014

When I first moved back to PA in 2011 spring was absolutely perfect. W and I refer to it as "The Year of the Apples" because the apples were so profuse. He's been asking me to paint him a picture of an apple tree ever since then. Although this is not what he had in mind, this is the picture I painted for him. It shows an apple tree in the foreground with rolling farmland, a barn with silo and fall foliage. It's a work in progress that may never be finished, but I wanted to share it today.

It's been months since I last wrote in this blog with any regularity. Mostly because I have been trying to decide which platform I wanted to continue using. There are so many choices for blogging platforms (weebly, blog, wordpress, etc.) and I have been experimenting with several of them. Trying to do everything I want on one platform, but that doesn't seem possible without either coding the pages OR paying a premium. Blogger seems to have the majority of features I desire so until I have the money to pay for a commercial site it will be the platform I use.

Another reason for the lack of posts is because after finishing a writing class on Coursera, I've determined that my posts could be much better. Enough said about that.

Current projects include a few watercolors and an acrylic on canvas or two. Here's a glimpse of a watercolor. 
For now I'm off to the store to pick up supplies. Y'all have a wonderful Easter.

Blessed be.

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