
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June 30. Heat Wave Ends.

Was so hot yesterday Bandit didn't want to go for his afternoon walk. Took him down the street at the normal time. Then took him for a longer walk at dusk. Cooled off overnight and now it's raining. He didn't want to walk this morning either. Guess we'll try again here in a little bit.

Started cutting out some brooches. Was shocked that my hands hurt so much. Not sure if it's arthritis, carpal tunnel, a sprain or some combination of all the above. Not sure when I'll be able to embroider.

Am probably heading to Wellsboro next Tuesday. Will go for a hike with Laura and maybe stop to see Lucinda. 

Started streaming Yellowstone . Always did like Kevin Costner dramas. And Westerns.

Balanced my checkbook yesterday. Yikes! Spent way too much money this past month. Still have to get baseboards and registers. Perhaps I'll measure today.

After I get another cuppa.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

June 29.

No new deer damage overnight. Besides the beets, there was damage on the hydrangea, cucumbers, pumpkins, hostas,  lilacs and, of course, tomatoes. Those poor lilacs were also wilted from the heat. Drenched them a couple times yesterday and again this morning. One of them has come back. Hopefully the other will recover as well.

Drained off last year's canned green beans. They didn't taste right. Guess Bandit and I will dump them out in the woods. Perhaps something will eat them. What a waste of time, effort and food. Will freeze them this year if they ever sprout.

Ate the first zucchini from the garden last night. Gonna have some beets today. There are several small Roma tomatoes forming, two green peppers so far and both the zucchini and summer squash are loaded. Had forgotten that kohlrabi is a brassica. Might transplant it away from the peppers. My fault for planting it on the south side of the peppers.

Turned the A/C off earlier this morning, but the humidity is 92% so it's going back on in a few minutes. Supposed to reach 88 degrees this afternoon. The kind of day where you stand up and break a sweat. Guess it'll be another indoor day. Perhaps I'll embroider a while.

Monday, June 28, 2021

June 28.

Another Monday. Bandit woke me this morning by woofing. He's usually pretty quiet except when he's whining for a treat. Thought maybe there was a deer in the garden, but didn't see one out there.

Spent some time in the garden yesterday after discovering the deer had eaten the beets. Almost cried. The ones they didn't eat were pulled out of the soil. Guess I'll be eating beets this week.

Hung the garland I got at the Dollar Store. Only went about halfway around, so I hung the garden flags I made earlier. Put up a couple cow bells too. Later today if I can find the energy I'm going to put up a motion detector light. If that fails will resort to buying an electric fence.

Finished installing the flooring in the living room. At least, I thought it was done. Came in from walking Bandit and noticed some separation. Not sure what to do about it. 

Put Mom's area rug down in the living room. Sue was right - it collects dirt. Guess ill pull it back up for now.I

Got the animals fed, poop scooped, all the garbage out to the curb including the stinky carpet.

Not even 7 a.m. and it's so humid I'm turning the A/C on. So much to do, so little time. Think I'll feed the birds and get my work started. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

June 27. Sunday.

Put down a few more planks yesterday and measured for the last row. Went outside to cut one of the last boards and was dripping sweat before even starting. Then discovered that I'd cut the wrong side. Now I have to recut it. Will need to saw in the morning before the temperature gets too hot to work comfortably. 67 degrees at 5:15 so I'll have to work fast.

Would really like to finish the bulk of it today so I can put this house back in order. Rain predicted tomorrow. Gotta unload the canning shelves though and that's not a task I'm looking forward to.

My hands, arms and back are very, very painful. Been taking ibuprofen to no avail.

W stopped in yesterday. I think he was shocked that I had so much done. He said the place smelled a lot better. Thank goodness. 

Time to walk Bandit and unload some shelves. Toodles.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

June 26.

Woke up at 12:30 this morning. Took an hour or so before I could get back to sleep. Went online for a bit, but that usually doesn't help. Got some jogging pants on and brought in the paper I'd forgotten about yesterday morning. Read it, but that didn't help. Finally picked up Fannie Flag's Standing in the Rainbow and was able to go back to sleep.

Yesterday was brutal as far as putting down the floor goes. The arthritis in my hands was excruciating. Back hurt as well; it still hurts. Bad enough that I took ibuprofen a couple times yesterday and already today. 

Am taking today off to do stuff around the house. Like folding laundry and ordering supplies from Wal-Mart. Am exhausted. The good news is the floor is almost done. Only the hard parts remain. You know - the intricate cuts on the last row next to the wall... And under the oven. Sigh. Then have to get some baseboard and install it. 

Sure wish I had some help.

Gonna read a while and maybe take a nap. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

June 25.

The big news today is that I have laid flooring in most of the hall and about half of the living room. It looks great so far. Hoping to finish the living room today and possibly pull some of the kitchen linoleum up. 

Am pretty tired though. Want to go back to sleep, but now is the coolest part of the day, so it's best if I get to it.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

June 24.

Took the day off yesterday to finish mowing the lawn and to go for a walk. It was glorious. Bandit and I sat in a shady spot on State Game Land 62|20 to rest for a few minutes cause the Morton's Neuroma has been bothering me again. While we were resting, a young doe wandered onto the path just below us we watched each other until the wind shifted and she caught our scent. 

Was a peaceful day. 

Have had two cups of coffee today and am still sleepy. Gonna try to finish pulling staples today and paint the odor block. Not looking forward to crawling around on my hands and knees, but it's gotta be done.

Guess I'll eat some breakfast and get started.

June 23.

Brrr. Thirty seven degrees outside this morning and I don't want to take Bandit for a walk until it warms up, but that's kinda mean so I'll put on some warm clothes and make it a quick one.


Back from taking Bandit for a walk. Yup. It was quick. 

Garden seems to be OK despite the cold snap. Will be picking zucchini any day now and the beets should probably be harvested soon as well.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

June 21.

Not quite sure why I'm awake at  4:30 a.m. Really don't want to get up this early. Sets a bad precedent with the animals. 

Pulled the carpet out of the living room. That was a breeze compared to the linoleum. Got most of the linoleum up - what a pain that is. The builders used a lot of staples to hold it down. Am using a screwdriver, hammer and pliers to get them out.

Spent the bulk of the day crawling around on the floor with a mask on my face, gloves on my hands, long sleeved shirt, jeans and shoes. Sweat dripping off. Had to keep taking breaks to wash my hands and face and cool off. Probably have another two or three hours to finish taking up the linoleum. Then I can lacquer the particle board and lay the flooring. 

Smells better in here already. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

June 20. First day of Summer.

Close to seventy degrees already this morning with rain in the forecast by noon. Humidity level is 91%, so you know it's muggy. Had more torrential rain yesterday and showers through the night. Nice to not have to water the garden.

The garden is growing by leaps and bounds. There's several zucchini growing and the beets are close to harvest.

Looked out the bathroom window around dusk last night and there was a raccoon on the porch of the shed. He seemed to be enjoying the dry cat food. Guess all the food needs to be put up every night now until it is off to greener pastures.

Time to clean the litter and take the garbage to the curb. Might toss some bean seeds in the ground while I'm out there.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

June 20. Red Sky Sunday.

6 a.m. and I've washed my hands at least a half dozen pm times already today. It's Sunday (thank you very much, Captain Obvious) so the indoor kitties and Bandit got to share a can of food between them.

Sat down to have a cup of reheated coffee and noticed the whole room glowing pink from the sunrise. What a beautiful sunrise it is. Put down yesterday's swill (yes, it really was that awful) and proceeded out back to feed the feral kitties. Standing between the feeders bold as can be was the doe that the neighbor was telling me about. She wasn't afraid of me either; barely moved when I tried shooing her away. At least she wasn't in the garden.

Kiki has become a regular for the morning feeding. Was surprised to see him on the picnic table when I tried to walk Bandit this morning. 

Bandit didn't even want to walk down the street. He planted his feet and refused to budge. Seeing he weighs one hundred and eight pounds he's practically immovable. Perhaps it's his arthritis. Weather Channel puts the humidity level at ninety three percent. Chilly and damp. Will try taking him for a ride and walk later. Perhaps drop the clothes off at the church over the hill and head up to Kinzua Bridge.

Pulled up the carpet, padding and the better portion of linoleum. What a nasty job. Had the foresight to wear a mask and gloves. Not sure what all was on or in that stuff but had hives all over my right arm. Adding long sleeve work shirt for protection when I go back at it. The linoleum is stapled and am having to use a screwdriver and hammer to raise the staples and pliers to finish pulling them out. Quite the workout.

Gonna be eighty degrees today and rainy to boot. More heavy thunderstorms like we had yesterday. Reminded me so much of Tampa, Florida weather I sat on the porch and watched it for a while.

W called yesterday and said he's having problems with his heart and that he wasn't sure he was going to make it. I told him to have Teresa drive him to the hospital. I'm thinking he pulled a muscle trying to prove he can still run with the big dogs because he's been helping lay foundation blocks at his house. Hope I'm right. Can't imagine not talking with him or seeing his sweet face. Love him too much.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

June 19.

Moved the bird feeders out of the garden and closer to the house. The grackles are not very happy about it. I, on the other hand, was happy to see a nut hatch at the feeder this morning.

Speaking of feeders, a few days ago I noticed that one of the hummingbird feeders was totally empty after just having been filled. Wasn't sure how it happened especially considering the other gender was still full. Went out the next morning and feeder two was empty as well. Did an internet search and discovered that bats and bears and raccoons will drink the nectar if given the chance. I'm betting on raccoons. Making a fresh batch of nectar today and will start taking the feeders down at night. 

Must have been grinding my teeth last night. Jaw is sore.

Time to water the garden. Toodles.

Friday, June 18, 2021

June 18.

Came home from walking Bandit and visiting with Linda Collins to find that the neighbors had once again mowed my lawn down to brown. Was so mad I tossed and turned moat of the night. Couldn't seem to put it out of my mind. So this afternoon I knocked on their door and confronted them. I asked if they remembered where the boundaries are and confirmed that Trudy knew where they were. I told them that I knew they were just trying to be nice, but that I don't want them mowing my lawn anymore. She said the lawn was so damaged because they had a problem with their mower deck and the son-in-law accidentally mowed my property. I told them it didn't matter, that I do not want them mowing my lawn anymore. She had the balls to ask me "So how far do you want us to mow over now?" I told her NONE OF IT.

Maybe this time she'll listen.

I'm still upset. Even after talking with Susie about it.

Guess I'll watch  some TV and try to calm down.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

June 17.

Cold start this morning. Thirty six degrees with an eighth nine percent humidity. Am sitting on the couch with a heating pad against my back and a blanket across my legs. Turned the oven on to take the chill off the air. Bandit even hopped up on the bed for a bit this morning. 

Did a couple loads of laundry yesterday and worked on cleaning up the craft room. Didn't do a whole lot else. Even forgot to do the DuoLingo lesson.

Ah well. Today is another day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June 16.

Forty five this morning. Bundled up in fleece and a hoodie before venturing out for our walk. Still have the hoodie on. 

Finished painting the ends of the house. Painting the peaks without a spotter was frightening. Looks nice now though. What a difference a coat of paint can make.

Guess I'll find a DIY video on fixing electrical problems and see if I have a book on the subject. Still no word from Minich. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

June 15.

Another night of cool weather. Still brisk enough to warrant a hooded sweatshirt for our morning walk. Bandit insisted on walking down the poop trail. It's so full of poison ivy he has to heel most of the way down. Thankfully we can walk the hard top coming back and with the exception of Linda's clematis can walk at will. He's so easy to walk on the leash.

Finally went to TOPS yesterday. Still need to package the meat and get it stored in the freezer. Picked up some ham slices and pork spare ribs. Made kielbasa and vegetables in the big crock yesterday. It was excellent. Saved the recipe on Pinterest.

The sky turned black yesterday afternoon and down came the rain. Hailed for a couple minutes before the rain took over. Got caught outside picking up stuff that might blow away including those garden flags (which I'm told look horrendous). The temperature felt like it dropped ten degrees in seconds. Reminded me of the storms in Tampa. Looks like that may happen again today. 

Picked up Rodale's  Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs and the self adhesive felt for the bottom of the furniture so the new floor doesn't get scratched up. Gosh, I missed reading and looking at this book. 

W stopped in yesterday to say hello.  He thinks the foundation work on his house should be finished this week. Maybe then he might deign to spend time with me. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

June 14.

Feeling behind tasks wise today. Mostly because it's Monday and I haven't scooped out the litter boxes yet and hauled the trash to the curb for pickup. Have an hour before it needs to be done.

Did two loads of laundry yesterday and got a good start on the closet in the den. Found a bunch more denim. Guess I'll be making some more blue Jean quilts to get it out of the way. Have two huge bags of clothes to give away.

Nice and cool for sleeping last night. Actually felt rested this morning.

Called Gretchen yesterday. Probably won't call her again for a while. She doesn't seem to want to do anything but sit at home. Gonna call Laura soon to see if she wants to go hiking. Diana can't seem to make time to go with me.

Wah, wah, wah. Listen to me whine. Time to get stuff done. Maybe today the electrician will call.

June 13. Sunday.

Cool start to the morning so our morning walk continued from Church Street around the fire hall and back home. Nice and peaceful watching the fog rise over the hill and seeing all the little birds going about their daily lives.

Speaking of birds. The grackles squawk every time I go outside. Apparently they prefer the good bird food to the millet mix purchased on the most recent Wal-Mart pickup. Poor birdies. The finches and sparrows don't seem to mind. Nor do the mourning doves. 

Henrietta stands at the back living room screen and watches the grackles strutting under the feeders like the bird mobsters they are. I watch the smaller birds in the thorn-apple tree as the swoop down to grab a seed then return to their perch to crack it open. From time to time one will pass inches from the window frame moving too fast for an accurate identification. 

Reorganized all the clothes drawers in the bedroom. Have a whole sack of clothes to drop off at the Salvation Army. Will have more to go after I clean out the closet in the den. Would really like to have wooden shelves all along the wall. Make it into a sewing room.

Pulling up some of the carpet this week. Been waiting for cooler weather and need to take advantage of what very well could be the last of the 70 degree weather for a while. Summer officially begins next Sunday. I'm not ready for it.

Am trying to form new habits. Today marks eighteen days on DuoLingo learning Spanish.

A load of light clothes in the washer and a dark wash ready to go in next. Need to move the bookcase to the back bedroom and start clearing the canning shelves. Crafts are going back in the den. So much to little time.

Ah well. Sitting here burning daylight isn't getting anything done. Time to get the work done. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

June 12.

Mowed most of the grass yesterday. Still have the garden, along the split rail fence and under the clothesline. 

Cut up some old curtains for garden flags in an attempt to keep the deer away. Have to do something to protect the vegetables. 

The first crop of beets is almost ready to harvest. Guess I'll can regular beets this year. Still have a few pints of both Harvard and pickled beets left from last year.

Almost time to pick strawberries for jam. Canning lids are once again hard to find. Guess I will have to buy the China ones again this year. Gonna inventory what I have on hand and place the order today. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

June 11. Friday Progress Report.

Been dealing with deer problems lately. The tomatoes were looking rather beautiful until a deer chopped off the top and most of the leaves. Spent the bulk of yesterday making a couple of prayer flags to, hopefully, scare the little buggers away. Looked out the kitchen window while making morning coffee and there was a small doe under the apple trees. Rapped on the window to scare her away and she barely flinched. Had to run outside to get her to leave. Glanced out the window just now and she (or one of her pals) was in the hedge row munching some of Trudy's hostas. Ran out back and frightened her away again.

Looked over the garden while I was there and everything seems okay. 

Hung the aforementioned prayer flags using a white clothesline. It looks horrible. Will have to rectify that today after other chores are finished.

Had a fresh picked beet yesterday. So tender the rind came off while being washed. Ate it raw. Yum. 

Bought two tomato plants to supplement the one that got topped. Surprisingly it is still alive. Also bought four pumpkin and two eggplant. Keep hearing how eggplant freezes well. Gonna see if my taste buds have changed enough that I like the taste. 

Carrots are the only veggie that didn't come up well. Guess the seed was too old.

Gonna take Bandit for his walk now.