
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Working Wednesday - December 4, 2013

 Progress continues on the doodle shown here in rough form.

Slightly more color and detail.

Line work to bring out more details.

Hoping to finish

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thankful Tuesday - December 3, 2013

I always like to play around with shapes when preparing for detail projects. After being away from drawing and painting for a while, I find it best to 'practice' before jumping into the paint. Doodling gets me in the mood and allows me to practice motion control.

Little projects to improve techniques. Colored pencil, watercolor pencil, acrylics, pen and ink, watercolor. Mixed media.

Keep in mind that everything looks different in color. Will post the 'finished' doodle.

Today I am thankful for melting snow, old friends, new friends and family. For leftovers so I don't have to cook. For kitty-cats that curl up on your lap for a nap. For dancing flames in the wood stove.

A couple other sketches...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday Rest Stop Ramble

Although the temperature was frigid watching the morning sky turning from gray to pink was worth the inconvenience of being cold for a spell.

Does anyone remember the commercial about "Uncle Harry" and the brand-name whipped cream? In a recent conversation an allusion to "Uncle Harry" was made and totally missed the mark. Perhaps it was an "age" thing, but it made me think on how ineffective a tool language is for communication.

We filter our conversations, don't we? We listen to tone, watch for facial expressions and body language. Movement. Circumstance. Audience. 'Cause - fess up. When you're with friends or people you have known for years certain phrases or words combined with actions (think rolling eyes) mean totally different things.