
Friday, July 2, 2021

July 2. Cool Friday.

With sore hands, arms and back there isn't much in the way of hard labor that I can do. So... I went shopping for floor register vents. Drove up to Home Depot. All the vents they had in stock were either too big or too small. As long as I was in Olean, I drove over to Ollie's. Dang! They have great prices. Spent about 20 minutes going through their sofa covers to find a color I could live with and actually got two of them. Picked up some room darkening drapes as well. Almost bought an area rug, but couldn't decide on the color.

Got groceries yesterday as well.

Came home, put the groceries away, put the sofa cover on and hung the curtains. 

Gonna be cooler today and rainy as well. Guess I'll try to get the lawn mowed before the rain starts so the neighbors don't turn me in to the township for it being over six inches.

The deer has now eaten almost all the hydrangea blossoms. Wish I could shoot and eat her, but this is too close to town.

Taking Bandit for his morning walk now. Thankful for the little things.

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