
Monday, March 1, 2021

The First Day of March is on a Monday.

My Christmas Cactus is loaded with buds and starting to bloom. Yippee! More pretty flowers to brighten the day!

Tigger started bugging me at 4 a.m.; walking on me, meowing, looking for my water glass (not there). Naughty, naughty kitty. Fed everyone at 5 a.m. when I finally gave up on sleeping. 

Kiki was around yesterday and again this morning. 

Am trying to wait for the sun to come up before walking Bandit. There's a lot of ice out on the trail. Might have to walk him toward town. Thirty-seven degrees outside right now; warmest it's going to be all day. 

You know that old saying "March either comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb or comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion"? Well, here's hoping the next few days of cold temps mean it's going to go out like a lamb. 

I'm ready for Spring!

There was a very cold, brisk wind on our walk partway to town. Was grateful for the down jacket W gave me two years ago. At least most of me was warm (should-a worn the neoprene face mask). With all the partially melted snow and ice and gravel on top of it all, walking on our new sidewalks is rather unsafe. We didn't even make it as far as the bridge. 

The sun has risen and the kitties and I have been watching both the birdies at the feeders and the occasional snowflake or three. 

Time for some chores. 

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