
Friday, October 29, 2021

Finally Friday. 29 October 2021.

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny October day. Bandit and I packed up some lunch, needlework (for me) and milkbones (for him) and drove over to Wellsboro to visit with Lucinda. 

Lucinda had brain surgery exactly one week ago for a bleeding aneurysm. It was so good to visit with her. We cleaned up her car a bit because she's trading it in on a newer car and needed pictures for the dealership with a potential new car. I gave Randy a hand stacking firewood for the winter. He only uses about two cords of wood every winter at the big house. Incredible! Then Lucinda and I had a spot of lunch.

I think Bandit got his feelings hurt. While we were cleaning the car, he climbed into the back seat and we both shoo'd him out. Twice -- because he tried getting in the front seat too. Plus I was loving on her new kitten, Coconut and her Jack Russell, Ezra. He climbed into the car and wouldn't come out.

We headed home after I washed up the dishes. Got to Galeton and, spur of the moment, drove over to Lyman Run State Park. The spillway gate was open, so we parked the car over by the beach and walked across the bridge and far embankment. Forgot how loud the coursing water could be. Am always amazed how being in nature can calm the soul.

Speaking of which... A certain fur-baby needs to go outside, as evidenced by the huge sigh and plopping down of body on the floor outside the den. Will try to get him to hold off until the sun comes up at 7ish. It's fifty three degrees outside and that's the warmest it's going to be all day. Perfect time to cook some roast beef. Guess I'll make some stew.

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