
Saturday, November 1, 2014

On the Assembly Line

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.

Guess I'm getting old 'cause I miss the kids trick-or-treating from door-to-door. Now-a-days most children go to events organized by local fire departments and schools. Perhaps it's for the best. I remember walking from house to house in the neighborhood freezing as the sleet/snow fell around us all. The loot we'd bring home was well worth it -- even if it was confiscated and doled out a little at a a time. I remember the joy of dumping a full shopping bag out on the floor and sorting through it for favorite stuff. The first night sister and I were always allowed to eat until we pretty much fell into a sugar coma. Great memories!

Several projects are underway at the Petunia Magpie factory in anticipation of the forthcoming holidays. For example, this trio of googlie-eyed ponies await final assembly. When completed they'll look very similar to the ones below.

Am trying to decide on a color for their mane and tails. Should I stick with the color of their bodies or mix it up a bit? Any suggestions?

These are child-safe. Crocheted by hand using Morning Glory fiberfill and Red Heart yarn (both products made in USA). Machine wash and dry.

Happy "Snow-vember"!

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