
Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday Mini-Project. Owl Ornaments.

 Yesterdays walk was rather pleasant. We went to the local reservoir and did the mile loop. Simply stepping out the the car and smelling the hemlocks along the shore was refreshing.

Unusually quiet there. A few hikers checking out spots along the edge to fish from. Nice to see young folks getting out and about. A few folks fishing along the shore. They'd do better to follow the streams. Trout like it cold.

Time to pick up my fishing license.  Season opened on April 1st.

Come to think of it, the game commission was out stocking local streams about a week ago. Will have to scan the paper to see where it was. Dang. Those babies will hit on about anything... Canned corn used to work pretty good back when Grandfather still walked the earth. We used to go to his brothers hatchery (Uncle Ralph - RIP) and do a little fishing - with permission, of course. All you really had to do was stick your line in the water and wait. Those ponds were full of some really nice, fat fish. The first one I pulled from the water was a nine inch Brook Trout. Many, many moons ago.

Will be finishing up those little owl ornaments today. Three more to go, then the painting can begin again.

Chores first. Then it's project time.

Y'all have a productive, satisfying day.  Remember to count your blessings.

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