Gosh. This mornings walk actually felt warm compared to the last couple of days. The winds calming down might have something to do with that. Only twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit right now with a forecasted high of 47. Yippee! Am gonna take Bandit to Marilla Bridges Trail.
Before heading to TOPS yesterday, I balanced my checkbook. Have been fifty cents off for a couple months now so made the appropriate adjustment. Then I did a little dreaming and went on the Tractor Supply website and it let me put the raised bed greenhouse topper in my cart. OMG! It was back in stock! I bought it and some Organic Seed Starter mix.
Grabbed my grocery list as soon as I got the ready to pick up email and headed out.
Got as far as Owens Way before remembering the ornaments. Ah, well. Today is another day.
Spoke with daughter and got a helpful hint about starting green pepper seed. She puts the planted seeds atop the refrigerator because it's warm there. She also exposes a tiny portion of the seed to light. Am going to try this.
Seventeen days until SPRING!
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