
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday.

Cold and rainy outside this morning. Headed out for our morning walk accompanied by KiKi the wandering feral cat, who I'm always happy to see visiting the feeders. We all started down the poop trail and it was so muddy we headed back in as soon as Bandit finished his do-do. Didn't want a repeat of yesterday's mud-fest. Hopefully it'll warm up soon and we can do a quick walk to town; have to mail some letters anyway.

Not feeling all that great today. Have had a sore throat for the last couple days and eyes are swollen pretty bad. Those Restasis eye drops burn my eyes still. The over the counter ones help more. Have been putting compresses on them to ease the pain; hot makes them feel good, cold does as well and takes down the swelling. Benadryl to the rescue. Thankfully, it's only a couple more weeks until my dermatology appointment. 

Started a load of laundry while I wait for the space heater to warm up the bathroom. Should probably just bite the bullet and shower in the little bathroom; being next to the forced air furnace it's the warmest room in the house.

Time to put a compress on these old eyes. Here's hoping you are in good health and spirits. 

I think of you often.

p.s. (Watched Honey Bun try to have his way Little Bit this morning. Lifted him off her by the scruff of the neck, but he persisted. She snagged him with her claws and ran away. He still persisted. Guess that's just what happens out in the wild. Would protect her if I could. Really don't want to scare him away; he deserves a safe haven too. Too many humans are mean to feral cats. Shame some humans persist in this behavior.)

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