
Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday Morning.

Woke up out of a dead sleep at 2 a.m. and had the hardest time getting back to sleep. Still not quite sure what was going on. Had forgotten to turn the thermostat back up last night and inside had dropped to 60. A few degrees too cool for this hothouse flower and for bonehead who probably has a bit of arthritis. Clicked it up to take the chill off. Tossed and turned and finally conked out.

Now it's 7 a.m. The cats and dog are fed. Dog has been walked. Litter boxes cleaned. Garbage gathered and set by the curb in time for the 8:00 a.m. borough pick up. Paper retrieved from the delivery box. Bird feeders hung back up. Still have vacuum and mopping floors.

First flock of geese flew overhead while we were on doo-ty. Heard them honking before we saw them Thought at first it was the pair that nests up Droney way. Watched them fly to the southeast following the Tunungwat Creek to the marshes on hilltop.

Got a reminder this morning to stop worrying so much. Went out to feed the ferals and none of them were there. Not even Little Bit who sleeps in the heated cat house every night. Did my heart good to see her watching me when I went to hang the feeders.

Some of last years garlic and onions have sprouted and are slated for planting today. Weather forecast for next several days is hot, hot, hot. Am taking advantage and getting plants replanted and starting seeds. 

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