
Thursday, March 25, 2021


Woke up this morning. Smile to greet the day. Three little kitties perched on my back porch. They weren't singing sweet songs. They were waiting for breakfast. Which they got.

More rain predicted today, but I should be able to get some seeds started. Have to either go grocery shopping or make bread. Probably grocery shopping. Ham is on sale for $1.49 a pound and it's the good Sugardale spiral ham. Yum. Time to soak some navy beans.

Hurt my leg yesterday lifting soil. Have two more bags plus peat moss and straw mulch to move before I can go shopping. *sigh* 

Later on...

Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men.

Had a few drops of rain this morning, but it turned into a gorgeous day. So gorgeous the raised bed greenhouse topper is being left open overnight. The low is only going down to 54 degrees. Unreal for March in PA.

Spent a bit of time in the vegetable garden. Moved the 3' x 3' garden box and moved the butterfly bush where it had sat. Was so heavy I had to shovel it out before moving; took two wheelbarrows. The 3-by is now in the corner formerly occupied by three little boxes. Not sure where those boxes will end up.

Transplanted a couple more houseplants. Never did make it to the store. 

Tomorrow is another day.

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