Frightening way to start the day.
Rain had restarted before we even reached the bridge. Bandit must have been cold or achy; he asked to come home before we got to the Post Office corner. How did he ask? He partially turned then stopped in his tracks and looked back at me with his body pointing behind me. He's a smart dog.I'm rather achy myself this morning. Knees have been swollen for days and right hip, lower back and shin painful. Gonna take some ibuprofen and put the heating pad on for a bit.
Beets have started sprouting. Spinach is getting bigger. Started getting the third raised bed ready for planting by trying to incorporate the peat moss with the soil. Hard work when the soil was wet to start with. Kohlrabi in the front beds continues to grow. No sign of the Columbian scattered last year. Thinking of trying another bleeding heart on the north side of the porch.