At one o'clock today I sing the papers to become the owner of this property. In real life ownership won't take place until six years from now when I make the final payment.
Six years. That will be sixteen consecutive years in the same place. Long time for me to stay put.
W neither called nor came over yesterday. Possibly because I let him know I was taking Bandit to the vet.
The sore on Bandit's leg seems to be getting bigger and he was limping on that leg. Sixty dollars later (including 10 pills of pain killer), Dr. Rumsey says not to worry - it's just a sore. Might be "a little basal cell". More than likely the chewing is his arthritis. Bandit can have two doses of ibuprofen a day to ease the pain.
Gonna kill the time until closing by distracting myself with reading and tv.
Hasta la vista.
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