The house seems empty somehow now that the bulk of plants are on the back porch. The aloe Vera plants aren't taking the move well, but the rest seem to be doing well.
Garbage day and I'm hoping the garbage men don't turn me in for all the yard waste piled at the edge of the shed. Of course, it's nothing compared to the mess down the road. The neighbors next door are a bit critical and I don't want to be a messy neighbor.
Worked on the blue jay barn quilt sign long enough yesterday that my back and shoulders hurt before I even finished. Looked at the portion taped and painted with two coats of Rustoleum Premium latex paint and realized at least one more coat of paint will be necessary. Don't really care for this brand of paint but it's what's on hand so I'll make use of it.
Only have about half my chores done this morning. Had to weed out behind the herb boxes in preparation for the batting board installation. Lord knows I didn't have enough on my to-do list. It's done now, so: Hey! One thing crossed off the list. As long as I was weeding the front, went ahead and trimmed down the side and around the starting to bloom weigela.
I either have to take a nap or drink more coffee.
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