
Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 24. Vaccine Day.

Was nice to see a full parking lot at the old Catholic school when I went to get vaccinated. Everyone was wearing masks. The few that had them below their noses pulled them up after getting glared at by others. 

The process was well organized. Folks entered the foyer where a volunteer took their temperature with a handheld device similar in action to a radar gun. Once through the second set of doors, you presented your identification (usually a drivers license) and health insurance card to the next volunteer who made photocopies of them, returned them to you and pointed you to the registration desk. 

Some folks forgot their IDs and were turned away. I found out later that completed vaccine record cards were being scalped for upwards of $1,000. Yeah. A thousand dollars. Crazy what folks will do or try to do to make a few dollars.


After the volunteer at the registration desk confirmed your appointment it was time to  stand six feet apart in line for the next available healthcare worker to administer the vaccine. The wait was perhaps ten minutes.

The worker verified your ID, asked the standard COVID19 questions (have you ever had an allergic reaction to any vaccines, had a fever/chills/sore throat - you get the idea), gave you a copy of the COVID19 Fact Sheet, asked if you had any questions, and injected the vaccine. Quick 1-2-3. You were then directed to have a seat for 15 minutes just in case you had a negative reaction.

Before you could leave you were required to schedule your next shot.  I say required, but why would anyone get the first shot and not the second? 

More volunteers were lined up at tables with portable computers to enter your data - which they did by looking at your photo ID. The second vaccine date was predetermined, but individuals were allowed to pick what time of day to receive the shot.

My second vaccine will be administered on May 24.

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