Pictured at the left is one of the flowers Bandit and I saw on our walk yesterday. At first, I thought it was Bloodroot, but there weren't any obvious leaves. Upon further examination (which included a google search) identification was made: Round-Leaved Hepatica (Hepatica Americana). Dainty little flower. Those growing in a bit of shade were more pink in color than those in bright sunshine. Just some pretty Spring flowers to brighten your day.
Ya know. Funerals are funny things.
The one I attended on April 13th was in a United Methodist Church. The church flavor I grew up in. Very unlike the Evangelical Baptist churches I frequented when I lived in the South. But the U.M. rote was familiar. Calming even. (The radical in me wants to shout out words like 'brainwashed' and 'indoctrinated' and 'opiate of the masses'. It's tough seeing both sides.)
Somehow Psalm 23 and Amazing Grace are always part of the tradition regardless of denomination. When I heard the opening chords all I could think of was Chris Tomlin singing "My chains are gone. I've been set free..." But of course, that wasn't what they were singing.
Part of the reason I started attending church regularly was the music. The lovely upbeat Contemporary Christian music. It'll carry you through some bad times. Yepper. Music always does, doesn't it? Even the traditional version of Amazing Grace is a powerful anthem.
Keep in mind that I haven't stepped foot in a church since about a year before I moved back up north. Nope, the roof didn't cave in although the thought did cross my mind. I looked around a bit and could see where one would find comfort in the family of the church.
But -- no offense intended here folks, the image of the shepherd with his sheep really disturbed me. (Honest... I was just helping that sheep over the fence.) Really all sorts of negative connections ran through my wee, twisted brain. I don't want to blindly follow someone else or become part of a herd. Intention aside - that was just my gut reaction.
I don't know why I got such a bad vibe and thought "lemmings". Perhaps it's just been my observation that for the majority of "Christians" I've met preaching love thy neighbor, there seems to be an awful lot of hate and pointing fingers going on. Who was it that said "Can't we all just get along?"
Truth be told my ex-mother-in-law's family was accepting of me. The service was very nice. The dinner after the graveside service was awesome. Sharing stories of her life over dinner was incredible. She was such a funny lady. Poised. Sophisticated. Intelligent. A bit eccentric but lets face it folks we are all eccentric. She was a good example of grace in action. RIP my other Ma.
Yep. Funerals are funny things. They can bring the living closer together. Make us appreciate life. Ain't that grand?!
For those of you who are wondering I'm off the wagon with Religion right now. The music is still great and uplifting and calming.
Here's two songs for you today:
Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace
Miranda Lambert - Heart Like Mine
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