My love caught me before work and brought me a bag of fresh picked and washed strawberries this morning. I found this one near the top. Could be imagining things, but to me this looks like a heart. Out of all the strawberries picked - he found this one and gave it to me. We're either madly in love or I'm just mad
in the true sense of the word.Breakfast this morning was a mixture of fresh watermelon, apple and ... wait for it ... strawberries. Ahhh. But that's WAY too healthy for me. So what happened next? I added three teaspoonfuls of Cool Whip to the mixture. Behold: it was good!
So fresh and appealing. Temptation was not resisted once the photo was taken. Didn't even have time to take two pictures before the spoon hit my mouth. Yummy! Just what the Doctor ordered after looking at the blue-sky sunshine-y day that this is shaping up to be. Patriotic too now that its up on the screen.
I got a late breakfast this morning. Kept getting interrupted.<--- LOOK! In the middle! Is that another strawberry heart? lol

I took another photo that you guys might be interested in even though small game season hasn't started yet. Doesn't that look like bunny ears?
Sure would be nice if some of you fellows would start hunting rabbits again. They are over-running this community. People are complaining about losing their fresh veggies. No one I know can afford that to happen.
Gosh. Had to light the citronella candle to fend off the little buggies. Such are the trials and tribulations of those who choose to work outside.
It's been a week since I last posted. Almost a month since I was posting regularly. So much has been happening in my life that it's hard to get a minute to sit down and follow one of my passions: writing to you. For those who read me on a regular basis: thanks for coming back. I promise to make this blog a priority and put it on the schedule for at least two posts a week. That's all I can commit to at this time.
Why? Well. A few different reasons.
First, I've been making things like crazy. Trying to build up an inventory so I can make some money. Lucky for me from working retail I know a few things that are fairly easy to make and sell well.
This is a picture of my morning worktable. Two items ready to get photographed, photo edited, descriptions written and "social-media"-a'd. LOL Seriously - is there a word for that? One of the Etsy Teams is called
Shameless Advertising. How appropriate is that!?!
After a bit of discussion, a lawn sale was suggested. My table and umbrella will be moving to the side yard by the driveway and a Yard Sale sign will be posted. Once the stock is ready for sale. Weather permitting. Probably only on Saturday and Sunday. Don't want to sit out there for too long.
By the mid-end of July I should have enough stock to make a showing of sorts and start attending local craft shows. There is a big one toward the end of Summer (before school starts again) a bit further away than I'd usually travel, but well attended. That will probably make or break me. I'll keep you updated.
I decided to open another shop on Etsy and separate out my painting and work with textiles. The shop opened last Monday and is already being well received. Fear not, I won't forget about ToleYouSo. The new shop is:
Click the picture to go to the shop. It is named after my little sister - was her nickname. May she rest in peace. She was a lot of fun. One of those people that can make a friend in the first five minutes you meet her. She is on the telephone in almost every photograph I have of her. That girl sure could talk! Pretty girl too. With a sense of fashion and all-around good taste. She should have been an interior decorator for the rich and famous. She had impeccible taste. She passed from cancer back in 2000 at the ripe old age of forty.
Ten percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure for all their good works.
In an effort to promote the products on that site I also have a
Petunia Magpie Blog,
Petunia Magpie Facebook page and
Pinterest Petunia Magpie.
Folks interested in making money by selling products on Etsy may want to check out the blog. It shares the history of the site, experiences and what works or doesn't work. Right now everything is in the start-up phase.
Time to get back to making products.
Click here for a
Monday Memory. Petunia Magpie loved this show when she was little.
The trivia question "Is there anybody out there..." is
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd.