Have I mentioned that I have another Etsy shop? And another blog?
The other shop is Tole You So and so is the blog. The blog started out as a way for me to share my projects. Quilting and painting mostly. But it took over my life for a while. Or did my life take over the blog? Hard to say. It just didn't have a lot to do with painting, which is the type of products that I sell in the shop. Tole You So blog has little snippets from my life and you're always welcome to browse over and check it out if you're really bored. Some of the posts are just silly. For the most part so am I. The blog actually does better than the shop. Probably because I don't promote the shop as much as Petunia Magpie. Hardly at all in fact. It's had three sales.
Today after a scrumptious breakfast [read more about that here], I worked on the Tole You So blog for a while. I've been concentrating my energies on creating products to sell and neglecting other things. Am a bit OCD that way.
Completed three items today and will probably upload them tomorrow afternoon/evening. Shhhhh.... Don't tell anyone and act surprised when they magically appear.
Hard to believe Petunia Magpie has been in business for a week now. I missed one of my scheduled "To Do" items today. I intend to create one treasury list every Monday and promote it through all channels available. [Facebook, Etsy, Pinterest, this blog, the other blog, word of mouth, begging on the street corner.]
I missed the target for a good reason though. I've had some people critiquing my site and one of the suggestions/comments was that my prices were too low for the quality. They told me "hand made" is different than "home made". I didn't change ALL the prices. Mostly just the smaller ones. Etsy has a really good formula on how to calculate the price of your products. You can read all about it here. It helped me a lot when I was trying to figure out pricing. Truthfully, I'm still a bit low on prices. Will adjust in the future if needed.
I've joined four teams. That's four different treasury lists. This is starting to feel like a snowball. Hopefully all the effort I'm putting into it will generate a sale snowball. [Light a candle, Marie].
Took Bandit the Brave for a walk [more about Bandit here along with some pictures of him with radar-ears. Yes. Radar-ears.] When we got back to the house it was eighty degrees. Phew! It sure was hot. Kinda sapped our energy. Right now we're hold-up in the air conditioning.
Folks, we're gonna kick back for the rest of the evening. The ol' To-Do list and status report will just have to wait until tomorrow. Y'all have a great evening.
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