
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Unemployment and the Sequester

A Customer Service rep asked me what I did for a living the other day. I told him that I was currently unemployed and having trouble finding work. He said "Oh. You're pretending to look for work." Unfortunately, that seems to be the popular point of view these days. At least with business people who are currently employed and who have obviously never been unemployed before. Let alone in this economy.

Here's a clue folks: No one ever got rich on unemployment. It's considerably less than working wages. Since the beginning of April unemployment benefit payments have been reduced 10.7 percent. Ouch.

As someone over fifty living in rural USA -- finding a job is a daunting task. There just aren't any jobs out there unless you have an engineering degree or can drive a truck. I don't have that degree and because of my disability can't drive a truck. I refuse to go further into debt to get another piece of paper so that I can get a job that won't pay me enough to live other than paycheck-to-paycheck. Where's the sense in that?

Employers complain about not being able to find suitable personnel. They want experienced workers but don't want to pay for that experience. For years now employers have 'doubled-up' job duties calling it catchy names like "streamlining" and "consolidation". Employers seem to be more concerned with their bottom line than their employees (imho).

Employees are consistently doing more for less money. Job seekers take entry level positions and devalue themselves just so they can work again. Who can afford to live on minimum wage? While discussing the current economy I remarked that I couldn't pay my bills on minimum wage, a doctor told me "Most of the girls that work here work two jobs. You could always do that." WTF!!! Where is this mindset coming from? Is everyone out for themselves these days? Would the doctor work two jobs if he was only being paid minimum wage? It's a long way from college and Daddy palming you a few hundred on his way out the door and real world America where most of us wonder where we're going to be living six months down the road. Way too many of us are a paycheck (or unemployment check) away from the poorhouse.

When I was last in the workforce [2012] I was making the same wage as way back in 1994. $13.50 per hour. What a joke. AND with noticeably fewer benefits. I understand that the cost of health care has gone up, but so have corporate profits. The old adage "The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer." has hit home for all of us here in the USA.

This isn't the country I grew up in. I want my country back. It's not a matter of political party. I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat or Libertarian. I just want an end to this bickering and finger-pointing. Get some work done for crying out loud. Work together. That's what I miss. The common courtesy of setting aside disagreements and finding a solution that works -- without all the pork belly stuffing that goes on.

Can I get an Amen? How 'bout a Hallelujah?

If y'all know of any good jobs in the Bradford, PA area contact me. I really need to get back to work.

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