Yesterday on our evening walk, Bandit noticed Mishka and Sierra running in the ball field. Naturally, we joined them. Bandit ran with the pups and I visited with their owners, Tim and Julie Myers, before heading back home.
We were a little later than normal getting back to the house. Sure enough, we rounded the corner to the back yard in time to see the deer scampering away from the bird feeders. They had emptied the larger feeder and were about halfway through the smaller one. Gathered all four feeders and popped them in the shed for safekeeping. Felt bad shooing them along when I noticed two late fawns. Those doe are going to have a rough time foraging this winter.
Yesterday I did an inventory of the meat in the freezer. Discovered a pork roast that needs cooked. Need to add the food in the refrigerator freezer as well. Looks like I won't be starving any time soon. Lucky me seeing that the extra food stamps we've been getting for the last year ends with the new year. Then the SNAP benefits go back to the minimum $39 A month. Better than nothing!
Also made an appointment to get my COVID booster at the hospital next Thursday. Not looking forward to the side effects most folks have been reporting, but will be glad for the extra protection it provides.
So far today besides regular chores I've shoveled and swept front and back sidewalks and porches. Did a bit of deep cleaning on the back porch. Have the kitty blankets in the dryer. The ferals haven't been sleeping in the new house. Am thinking of moving it under the front porch if I can figure out what to rest it on so it's not sitting on the ground. Adjusted the air flap so it covers more area. Will see if that changes anything.
The new quilt fabric is laid across the ironing board as are the crazy quilt blocks. Time to get started on the wall hanging.
Am making homemade vegetable beef soup for dinner tonight.
Note: Diana's sister died yesterday.
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