Another cold morning. Fifty four and damp. There's a chill to the air that can only mean rain. Sure enough, rain by one o'clock is forecasted.
Pulled three nice green peppers from the garden when I opened it. Was afraid to look for squash; there's so much of it I can't use it all have been giving it away to all the neighbors. Still have six or so in the fridge. I don't like the way it tastes when its frozen or I'd blanch and freeze it. Seems like a big waste.
Took some Tylenol PM last night hoping to sleep better. Still got up a couple times to answer the call of nature. Didn't want to get up today. Higher meowed at me for an hour before I crawled out of bed at 6:15. Feel like a lazy bones today.
Bandit went back to sleep. Seeing that everyone has been fed, I'm going back to sleep too. For a few minutes anyway.
Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite. (If they bite me I'll bite them back.)
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