Been neglecting this blog/journal this month. It's been a busy one.
Has been so rainy the corn crop came in early. Millers in Postville, NY had the sugar and butter variety of sweet corn on sale for $3 a dozen. An amazing price considering the week before it sold for $7 a dozen. Bought 4 dozen and canned 18 pints for $12, plus froze a quart for quick eating.
Have made a batch of mustard relish and another of Cheery Pickles. Was given enough cucumbers to make another batch, but not sure it's worth the time and effort. Still have most of the Harvard and pickled beets from last year. Guess I don't eat that many pickles.
There's four pounds of plums sitting in a bowl on the kitchen table waiting to be made into jam and the fixings to make apple cinnamon jelly are in the cupboard.
Have been embroidering brooches for Friday's party in spite of my arthritis. The lettering on the back takes about a half hour to complete. A real PITA (pain in the ass). Have 22 of 25 completed. Three more need the pin attached and sandwiched together. My hand and shoulder are swollen and ache. Had planned on making 30 of these, but at this point the goal is going to be missed. I can only do so much. At one point in the creative process, embroidering started to feel like work. Not good. Diarrhea ensued. (Yes, TMI...too much information.)
The weather has been so humid this arthritis has gotten so bad I went to the doctor about it. She wants me to see a Rheumatologist because she suspects it is rheumatoid psoriasis. It's going to be Spring before I see them. Appointments are backed up because of the pandemic. Plus, I don't drive in winter. At least, not a hour and a half away (Dubois)
Tomatoes and peppers are coming into fruit, but the powdery mildew finished off the squash and cucumbers. Hard to treat for disease when it rains almost every day. The milk/water 1:3 I've been spraying washes right off. Will transplant the beets to the bed I take the cucumbers out of if it ever stops raining long enough. That way it'll be ready for the greenhouse top come cold weather.
Ordering seeds from Baker Creek as soon as I get off here. Thinking of ordering a potting shed too. That way all the tools can be in the green shed and the little shed can have the garden stuff and bird food.
Gotta get moving. We're burning daylight.