
Friday, February 5, 2021

Friday Progress Report.

Yesterday was above freezing so Bandit and I took a walk on the Blaisdale Emery trail from Browntown Road north toward Custer City. It's one section of the nearby trails we frequent year round. About fifty yards from the entry is an old railroad bridge with a nice swimming hole that Bandit likes. On the Custer City side is a big marshy area where beaver have dammed one of the Tunungwat Creek tributaries. There is almost always wildlife around on this section of trail. Especially in Winter when fewer folks are out. In fact, I saw my first wild mink there about a month ago. Pretty cool.

We usually head toward Custer City, but rarely make it that far in the Winter... Snow can be rough to navigate on uneven surfaces. Well, maybe not for four-paw powered pups, but for us old farts its challenging. I keep telling myself that the marsh us going to be pretty - as incentive to keep going. Encouraging words don't help much when your body aches.

Yesterday we started earlier than normal. Took our time and made it to the frozen over marsh. Lots of birds out singing their the sun is shining! song. Bunny and deer tracks all over the trail. Was surprised that there is still open water on the creek. Then again, this winter has been rather mild. Same as last year. 

All told we walked two and a half miles yesterday. We were both feeling our age by the time we got home.


The diet is going better now the Oreos are mostly gone. Been trying to have a real meal more often. You know, meat, vegetables, fruit. Trying to eat more fruit. 

Some progress has been made on the Jacobean pillow. Hope to finish the needlework this week.

The sourdough seems to be turning into something I like to put off. ? Se la vie.

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