Monday, November 19, 2018
Sleepy Sunday. 18 November 2018
Author's note: Can't believe I didn't post this yesterday. Whiney-boy felt an urgent need to go O-U-T. Here's a snapshot of him actually looking at me while he's off-leash on one of the many oil roads that criss-cross through and around these rocky Allegheny mountains. A day late post follows.
Today has been cold and overcast. No surprise there - it IS Winter in what I used to fondly refer to as The Great Northern Wasteland. Glad that's no longer my opinion. Sometimes you have to move away from home for a while to appreciate it's good qualities. A thirty year absence is sure to change one's perspective, eh?
The first few snows of winter bring such joy to our eyes. Some are like the angels above floated feathers of confectioner sugar over only the tops of trees. Some leave the tree branches bent with the weight of water. Other storms are rain turning into ice as the sun sets and reflects in rainbow patterns off icicle decorated branches. Then there are the storms that bring on six to ten inches of the white stuff in one day. Or last for days until you can feel the wind chill you to the very bones.
The novelty of Winter hasn't worn off for me yet this season. While being cold doesn't appeal, the birds gathered in the trees and by the feeder bring a bit of color and light into an otherwise drab, grey backdrop.
Haven't accomplished much craft-wise this week. Poor Bandit cut his paw pad on our morning walk on Tuesday and had me playing Doctor the rest of the week. Gauze pads, three-in-one antibiotic salve, taped-on white socks and forced rest. Poor pup. Kept him in the yard even for his constitutional. He finally feels well enough today to play with his toys. Am still not sure how he got cut, but will keep him at heel on the part of the trail where he got hurt. He's such a good boy.
Made a few more matryoska ornaments. My favorite is the light blue one. Which do you like?
Going to take Bandit for a walk before it gets to be full dark.
Y'all have a great evening and a Wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to count your blessings.
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