The solstice has passed and the sun, heat and humidity seem relentless. This is the earliest in the season many of us have run our air conditioners. Everyone 'round about is praying for rain... and it's only June. Well, to be fair it's the end of June.
The heat and sun are great for the harvest. The gardens in these parts are growing like mad. Berries, apples and nuts are full of fruit. Two of the four trees in the yard have apples - the Gala and Fuji varieties. The branches of the blueberry bushes are so heavy with fruit they almost touch the ground.
Our radishes are finished until the weather cools a little. They bolted and unless we get a cool spell, the lettuce will bolt as well. Put three pumpkin plants in the ground along the back of the house. Hopefully the rabbits will refrain from eating them (fencing is on the supply list).
Last week the Great Valley Berry Patch opened some strawberry fields for picking. They are big, sweet berries. Perfect sliced over vanilla ice cream or on cereal. Will wait until later in the season to pick some for freezing and making jam.
The watermelons from the grocer are exceptional this year!
Speaking of gardens... I'm off to water the transplants, have a second cup of coffee, and take the dog for a walk. Not necessarily in that order. Perhaps I'll turn the TV on for a bit and watch that CBS Sunday Morning show.
Y'all have a great day!
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