
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hurry Up and Wait (Prep Work)

Having spent the last three days playing with paint and the gourds shown here, it was time to break the morning routine and prep some future projects.

A while back some vintage, wooden-handled hand saws became available and have since been languishing the year away in the "workroom".

Two hand saws and a bare-wood occasional table were pulled and moved to the glass-top table on the back deck. Fine steel wool gently removed all remaining surface rust and debris.

 The smallest hand saw shown here is about 23 inches wide and 5 1/2 inches high. There's paint on the handle. Not sure if it was an ID marking or someone was going to paint and had an "oopsie". Regardless - it's in excellent shape.

The larger saw is the same type; wooden handle engraved with a grain of wheat (bountiful harvest). It measures roughly 29 inches by 7 inches.
After removing the rust in the light of day, discovering the engraved logo on the smaller saw had been ruined was sad, but enhancing a logo is not usually the intent for whatever art the Spirit moves me to create.

However, the larger saw's logo is intact and will become part of the painting. It reads:


and is surrounded by an filigreed oval. Very nice... and for a change I KNOW what I want to paint on it (at times the Spirit moves faster than others. lol).

The heat of the day has arrived, yet it's time to get back to work folks. Back inside where it's cooler. Back to painting birdhouse gourds.

Feeling blessed that I like to paint.

I leave you with a closer look at one of the gourds and the fourth finished product. A local buyer has asked to view them all before this Saturday's Farmers Market.

Yes, I will be at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. Am considering bringing some purses to test the local market. If you're out and about in Bradford between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. - stop by and say hello!

Here's hoping that you'll stop what you're doing at some point in the day, look around you -- where ever you are -- and be thankful for your surroundings. Blessed be.

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