Yesterday was the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the Trade Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. It was also Dan, my son-in-law's birthday.
My day started out the same as always with tending to the fur babies. Then it was a 7 a.m. trip to Wal-Mart to pick up pet supplies, a few groceries and a hand truck for moving furniture.
After returning home and stowing perishables in their proper places, I called Dan and wished him a him a happy and we chatted a few minutes. He had barely passed the telephone to Susie when a call waiting tone sounded and I had to say goodbye and take a call from Luke. Jacob had answered the phone initially and I'm going to have to call him back because we never really had a chance to talk.
Why did I take a call from Luke? He and his girlfriend were coming over to move the roll top desk from the little bedroom to the shed and he was calling to give me an estimated time of arrival: one o'clock.
I had purchased the supplies to make subs (meat, cheese, rolls and shredded lettuce). Offered to make some macaroni and cheese from scratch, which was accepted. So, I got busy boiling macaroni and shredding cheese.
Once they arrived I asked for help moving the picnic table and air conditioner, which they did. Felt bad that the only payment they got was my broken Nintendo and five jars of jam. Gave them another five jars for Billy.
It was my first time meeting Sasha. She seems really sweet. They are going to try to have a baby and asked for my help babysitting. I agreed. They're lucky I like babies.
Speaking of Billy...
He called to give me his new phone number and we talked for an hour. He broke up with Lindsey after three years with her. The breakup was full of drama and both physical and mental pain. But that's his story to tell. Suffice it to say, he had to go to the emergency room because she assaulted him badly enough that he needs eye surgery.
Today Bandit and I went outside and I did yard work. Pulled out the Romas, put away most of the landscape cloth, mowed the area where the picnic table had been most of the year and raked grass from Friday's mowing.
Earlier in the week I did some serious weeding in the rear and side foundation beds. Still need to do the front and to dead head the zinnias out front.
Also moved most of the outside plants back inside after cleaning the bamboo plant stand. The cats will probably be chasing bugs around for a while because I didn't water them that well before moving them.
Yee-haw. Let the good times roll.