
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sunrise - 25 April 2015.

This was the view from the kitchen window glimpsed at 6:15 a.m. today while scooping coffee into the pot. Simply gorgeous. Sets a positive tone for the whole day.

Like many others with a Monday through Friday job, Saturday is 'Catch up on Chores' day. Only today the chores are doubled due to the imminent arrival of company. Deep cleaning. *sigh* 

Yet here I sit sipping a cuppa coffee. Watching a cardinal at the backyard feeder. Thinking about this blog. When all I really want to do today is paint. Here is a watercolor in progress. Same scene. Different day and angle. 

Perhaps the chores will go quickly and the creator in me can be appeased.

Y'all enjoy your Saturday. Remember to take some time to enjoy the beauty around you.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Moments ago...

Heading home from our evening stroll, we had the pleasure of watching some buzzards hunting. Four big birds in all.

Their arrival was predicted by a noticeable lack of birdsong. The black-capped Chickadees that normally greet us with a two-tone whistle remained silent.

Those buzzards may be ugly up close, but up there... floating gracefully on the thermals... leaning into overlapping circles moving from southeast toward the setting sun. Lifting two or three feathers to bank a turn. Three birds making small circles in the same general direction. The fourth bird making a larger circle; swooping close to the tree line near the outskirts of town. Hoping to get lucky with a stray finch or mole, no doubt. Had it been warmer outside we would have watched them drift out of sight.

Better than any show on TV. Used to be called "reality".

Guess where the camera was?!

The picture above was taken yesterday. The majority of that white stuff remains on the ground today. April 24, 2015.

Y'all have a great night. Good times. Happy thoughts. Sweet dreams.