Yesterday morning when I saw that the temperature was 55 degrees I knew we couldn't stay inside all day minding the fire. So I put together a crock-pot of soup using a recipe* a pal had posted on Facebook and we headed out the door and down the road. Because the Poop Trail, the closest local trail, was too muddy to even attempt we made a b-line to one of our alternates -- an oil road out Droney way.
We got to the t-junction by the access road after a little slip-and-slide on the ice and at first I wasn't sure the Jeep was going to be able to get all the way off the road, but we did it! Took three attempts with the fellas at the factory watching* to get in exactly the right spot. Drove right up the snowbank that the plow had been building up all winter. Was kinda wild; the Jeep kinda teetered there for a second, but we made it.